Today’s economy poses tough challenges which can be faced through strategic financial planning to maintain growth and profitability.
Financial planning is maintained by management through developing accounting policies and procedures for the organization and ensuring its proper usage: i.e. preparing annual budgets to cover the organization’s financial goals, writing financial reports by transforming and analyzing accounting data for decision making purposes. F&Y goal is to help our clients avoid expensive financial mistakes that could cause serious damage to their financial situation. Our financial-planning expertise produces a comprehensive financial plan for an individual or company, covering financial goals, budgets, financial analysis; and also provides reporting to implement strategic plans, asset allocation, retirement plans, and estate plan reviews.
F&Y professional staff evaluates the companies’ asset performance, elaborates ways to increase the amount of the company’s investment, and decides on how that can be invested.
Inventory management is one of F&Y’s main responsibilities. We apply specialized techniques in dealing with stock exchange in different warehouses and keep track of its count and movement to pinpoint slow moving items and identify minimum stock levels